Scratch Platform Game

Scratch is a program often used to make games or little animations with stories.   I made a platform game that was pretty simple.     
The first thing I did was to pick a main character that you had to control to play the game. It is a funky looking shark:
Next I had to make a background to provide a setting for my game. Of course since it is  platform game, I added platforms that my character can jump from and walk on: 

After that I added more characters to provide the objective for my game. The objective of my game was to catch the fish for level one and for level two to catch shrimp.  Once the shark got the fish, a flag would appear leading you to level two, in which the objective is the same but which shrimp.
You have a  minute and thirty seconds to complete the objective. 
Once you pass, you get sent to a "congratulations" background and you passed. 
Of course what is making all of this move and giving it the directions, are the scripts that I made. 
To play my game, click this link :
